
     Many people have guided us to where this website became possible.  

     First of all, we are indebted to each author quoted in the book and listed in the bibliography.

     At the beginning of our journey, the writings of John Main began to lead us to the life-changing experience of prayer of the heart. Indeed, as he writes, “everyone who perseveres in meditation discovers that although during the time of meditation it might appear that nothing happens, yet gradually the whole of one’s life is changed.” Also at the very start of our journey, we were inspired and helped by the writings of Thomas Keating and his method of Centering Prayer. 

     We need to thank two local meditation group leaders who guided us in the practice, and have faithfully continued to lead the group that meets in an idyllic setting in Ormiston, Queensland, Australia.  

     Eva’s website graphic design work must be acknowledged, as well as her editorial skill, whereby she took the original pages of research notes (and first drafts) and reorganized the content into a coherent and unified whole.      

     Finally, we are grateful for both the World Community for Christian Meditation (, under the direction of Fr. Laurence Freeman, and the Australian Christian Meditation Community. 



Visitors may also enjoy the following  sites created by the authors of this site. 

Shares information about spirituality that is instructive and helpful with the aim of presenting a practical spirituality to enhance life’s journey and to help fulfil one's divine destiny. 

Weaves spirituality themes into its content and includes breathtaking photos from nature. 

Presents the essential Christian message in Q & A style, guiding seekers toward life eternal. 

Features the theme of seeing in the ordinary, the extraordinary; in the daily, the holy; in the routine, the rare. 


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